Development Blog

Announcements of new features and changes.

all sites have been moved to HTTPS for increased security

new features:

  • can now create new calendars
  • options for showing calendars on dropdown menu, check boxes, on Upcoming/Today calendars
  • added option to not show birthdays on login page
  • added display items option to meal calendar
  • add...

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new update includes:

  • fixed rotating of pictures
  • added "show birthday on calendar" checkbox to Settings and Edit People. This gives users the option to not have their birthday shown on the Main Calendar.
  • added option to toggle columns on people list and show additional columns. Contact us if...

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changes in update:

  • email posts now include the name of the poster in the first line of the message instead of in the “from” field
  • autoreply email posts are now ignored
  • on the Pictures page, the "posted by" and "tagged" selectors for filtering pictures are now popups at the top
  • added config...

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new features added:

  • Work module for tracking tasks and dates/hours worked
  • Edit Mail Lists now creates email accounts automatically for lists
  • can now select between random pictures and most recent for slideshow on login page
  • can now upload image to use as banner on the login page
  • added Ti...

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  • users can now click on the slideshow on the login page to stop/start it, remembered across sessions
  • added robots.txt file to prevent search engine indexing of login page (rest of site already unable to be indexed)
  • added Modules section to Edit Site. can be used to set which modules are active...

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