- work has begun to make Mosaic websites more responsive, which means "look better on phones". The pages have been made to look more consistent. For example, all pages except for Calendars and Pictures are now centered in the middle of the screen and have the same width. Tables have been expanded to take up the full width of their containers.
- next the top menu bar's appearance on smaller devices will be improved.
- some of the page that have a list of options on the left may be changed to work better on phones. The first one is the Accounting page. The left-side vertical menu has been changed to a horizontal menu below the top menu. Please provide feedback on this change. There are many other possibilities that may be tried in the future.
- some work was done on the Surveys module to get it working again. This is a very old module that could use some improvement. Please let us know if you run into any problems, there may still be some lingering bugs.
- as mentioned above, the left-side menu has been moved to the top
- there are new settings that support turning off unused portions of Accounting, e.g. banking, budgeting, transfers, and some reports
- invoices for meals and guest room usage are now regenerated automatically whenever the events on the corresopnding calendars are changed. So the meal and guest room modules on the Accounting page are no longer needed and have been removed.
- added "text above calendar" setting for displaying help, instructions or any text/html above a calendar
- added ability to add agreements that have to be checked before adding an event
- added ability for events on a particular calendar to include a charge for usage
- added search
- comments can now be added to proposals
- add option to allow job holders to sign people up for group jobs
- added option to restrict meal job signup to people in same household
- added support for diners to indicate that some or all of their meals are "take aways" when signing up for a meal
- added monthly email statement option. This are similar to monthly statements for the Accounting module where members receive a report of the previous month's and year-to-date work hours plus totals, averages, and medians for the whole community.
- added setting for whether or not to use the Ken Burns effect on the slideshows on the Login and Home pages
- emails are now sent when someone comments on something you posted, opt out option in Settings